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Tipos de filtros para filtrar agua de riego

Efficient filtration: the key to sustainable and anti-clogging irrigation

Table of contents The need to modernize filtration systemsThe importance of choosing original and certified...

Launch of the first Laserway newsletter

1. LaserWay inaugural newsletter The LaserWay project is dedicated to developing innovative and sustainable laser...

AZUD participates in the ERDE initiative, strengthening its commitment to sustainability

In a world increasingly demanding sustainable solutions, agriculture faces the challenge of efficiently managing plastic...

What is fertigation? Everything you need to know

Table of contents What is fertigation and what is it based on?Systems used for fertigationTypes...
Digital Farming

Automated drip irrigation system: what is it and its main benefits?

Table of contents What is an automated drip irrigation system?Definition and basic componentsAdvantages of automated...
Sistema de riego por goteo en acción en la agricultura

Find out what is a drip irrigation system

Table of contents Introduction to drip irrigationBenefits of drip irrigationWater use efficiencyEnergy and resource savingsIncrease...

Why is sub-surface drip irrigation revolutionizing landscaping around the world?

Table of contents Sub-surface drip irrigation special featuresBenefits of installing sub-surface drip irrigation in gardening...
Tipos de filtros para filtrar agua de riego

Complete guide on the types of irrigation water filters

Conoce nuestra guía sobre tipos de filtros para agua de riego y descubre cómo seleccionar...

AZUD is involved in a new European collaborative project: LaserWay

Table of contents 1. LaserWay kick off2. Objectives3. Project details 1. LaserWay kick off Last...
Sobre el arándano - AZUD

5 Benefits of reusing drainage water in hydroponic crops

Table of contents Increased Water AvailabilityReduction of Input WaterOptimization of NutrientsSustainability and Environmental RespectSafety Against...
Digital farming, agricultura digital

Digital Management of Agriculture: the Digital Farming revolution to maximize crop profitability.

Table of contents From the Field to the Smartphone: AZUD’s Digital Agriculture Revolution¿Qué ofrece nuestra...
Ventajas filtros fabricados en plastico

Advantages of filtration equipment made of plastics

Table of contents Plastic Filtration Systems: Structural, Functional and Application Engineering AdvantagesCharacteristics and Functional Performance...
Nutrición vegetal mejora la producción de cultivos

Plant Nutrition: Maximize Crop Production with Fertigation

Table of contents What is Plant Nutrition?Factors to Consider for Proper Plant NutritionImportance of Soil...

Water Filtration for Irrigation During Drought Periods

Table of contents Irrigation Filtration Systems: The Importance of Filtration in Drought PeriodsChoice and sizing...
Tipos de goteros de riego y sus diferencias - AZUD

Types of Irrigation Drippers and their differences

When considering the option of installing a drip irrigation system, we must first choose which...
Sistemas de riego más precisos y eficientes - AZUD

A more accurate and efficient irrigation system

Localised irrigation is the irrigation system that allows a higher productive and economic yield and,...
Cómo ahorrar electricidad en una instalación de riego - AZUD

How to save electricity in an irrigation system

The price of electricity in recent months has led to a significant increase in production...