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Automated drip irrigation system: what is it and its main benefits?

Blog/ Solutions/ Automated drip irrigation system: what is it and its main benefits?
Digital Farming

The new agriculture faces the constant challenge of optimizing resources and improving crop productivity. Within this context, automating the drip irrigation system emerges as a crucial solution, enabling more efficient use of water and nutrients, as well as improving farm management. This article explores the concept, components, and multiple benefits of this technology, emphasizing how it can transform agriculture thanks to the advances and digital management solutions provided by AZUD.

What is an automated drip irrigation system?

Tipos de filtros para filtrar agua de riego

An automated drip irrigation system consists of equipping the irrigation system with tools to automate its management in order to optimize the main inputs (water, nutrients and labor).

Definition and basic components

An irrigation system includes several components such as: pumping equipment, filtration system, fertigation equipment and dripper pipes. The installation of other components such as valves, meters, monitoring equipment, probes and sensors and controllers allow us to automate the drip irrigation technique and all these elements work in a coordinated and efficient manner to ensure that each plant receives the amount of water and nutrients needed for optimal growth.

Advantages of automated drip irrigation


Water savings and efficiency

Adding the sub-surface drip irrigation technique to the automation of the irrigation system can reduce water consumption by up to 70% compared to traditional irrigation methods. This is achieved by applying water directly to the root area, reducing evaporation and overflow.

Improved crop production

The precise control of water and nutrients enabled by the automated drip irrigation system can significantly increase crop production and quality, resulting in improved crop development and health.

Adaptable to any type of crop or garden

From home gardens to large agricultural plantations, the automated irrigation system is completely adaptable and can be configured to meet the specific needs of any type of crop.

How does an automated irrigation system work?

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The system works through elements such as sensors, monitoring equipment and a central controller that adjust irrigation according to soil conditions, weather and plant condition. Remote control technology allows growers to monitor and adjust irrigation from mobile devices, optimizing the use of water and nutrients without the need to be physically present in the field.

Installation and configuration process

The installation of an automated agricultural irrigation system begins with detailed design planning that considers the topography of the terrain and the specific water and nutritional needs of the crops.

AZUD Digital Management Solutions

AZUD provides innovative solutions in its digital management line of business to make information available and control the entire irrigation practice with the goal of locating water and nutrients exactly where and when the plants need them. This not only increases profitability but also ensures crop sustainability. Products such as AZUD QGROW AT, AZUD DLOG and soil probes facilitate accurate and remote management of irrigation and plant nutrition through online platforms accessible from any device, improving efficiency and maximizing crop production.



AZUD QGROW AT is an advanced digital equipment that revolutionizes irrigation and plant nutrition management through the intelligent use of real-time data and monitoring. This system uses strategically placed sensors in the field to obtain accurate information on soil and environmental conditions, allowing for precise and automatic irrigation and fertilization adjustments.

The integration of the Venturi injector allows simultaneous dosing of several fertilizers, ensuring a homogeneous application without chemical incompatibilities. The ability to monitor and adjust pH, EC, volume and injection time through the mobile application allows farmers to optimize resources and improve production quality and quantity, all manageable from anywhere.


Estacion Meteo dlog 1

The AZUD DataLogger, known as AZUD DLOG, is essential for continuous monitoring of critical climatic and agronomic variables. This stand-alone equipment can be adapted to any crop, from vegetables to fruit trees, and is capable of recording data on soil moisture, temperature, EC, and more.

AZUD DLOG automatically calculates indicators such as evapotranspiration and vapor pressure deficit, key tools for informed irrigation management decisions. In addition, it offers web access that allows growers to view graphs and receive real-time alarm notifications, facilitating more effective and proactive management of crop conditions.

With its simple installation and plug & play connection, AZUD DLOG presents itself as a comprehensive solution for precision agriculture, providing valuable information accessible from any device connected to the Internet.

Future trends in irrigation automation

The future of automation and digital management of irrigation systems is shaping up to be even more integrated with emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence, which promise to further revolutionize the efficiency and effectiveness of irrigation in agriculture.

In short, adopting an automated drip irrigation system is not only a strategic decision for the sustainability of water resources, but also an investment in the productivity and profitability of modern agriculture.

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Rodrigo Guirao