The HIPOFRUT project proposes the development of a technology for the semi-hydroponic cultivation of fruit trees, through which it is possible to substantially reduce the hydraulic conductivity of the soil-root relationship and increase the efficiency in the absorption of water and nutrients by the roots, with the consequent optimisation of irrigation water consumption.
The implementation of this innovative system in the usual intensive cultivation of woody crops (such as fruit trees) will not only imply an important optimisation of water consumption and less nutrient contamination of the soil by reducing drainage, but will also allow an increase in production due to the total control over the root environment.
HIPOFRUT (RTC-2014-2141-2) has been supported by the expenditure budget of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Competitiveness (MINECO) and has been co-funded by the European Union within the Challenges-Collaboration call of the State Programme for Research, Development and Innovation Oriented to the Challenges of Society, in the framework of the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016.
Together with AZUD, they participate in the HIPOFRUT project: