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The AGRONAUTA research project (Automation of agronomic tasks in intensive farms through robotics) is an experimental development project that aims to transform and revolutionize the production model for vine tomatoes, through a global and multidisciplinary approach. This will enable a cutting-edge and innovative technological solution: the harvesting and preparation of tomato bunches on site (in the greenhouse) by means of a mobile robotic system, supported by a smart production environment.

The combined efforts of the consortium members will be directed towards the development of a new transgressive production system based on a mobile robot for use in the intensive cultivation of vine tomatoes, capable of carrying out smart analysis and harvesting tasks. It is supported by a state-of-the-art automation and control environment that simplifies the robot’s production work and accessibility, providing efficiency, cost reduction, development potential, flexibility and reliability of the system.

In this sense, AGRONAUTA’s global goal is the development of a revolutionary production system prototype in intensive production under plastic, which will mark a cutting-edge and innovative technological solution at an international level. It involves the commitment to establish a clear advance and improvement, developing unique technologies and techniques for plant production, such as climate control, irrigation, automation, intelligence, artificial vision and robotisation.

With the aim of closing the production cycle, the system will be completed with the development of new packaging systems to be installed on the farm itself and global management of production by means of management software and demand forecasting.



The AGRONAUTA project (IDI-20141220) is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Multi-regional Operational Programme for Smart Growth 2014-2020.



Together with AZUD, they participate in the AGRONAUTA project:

    • SERFRUIT, S.A.
    • Ingeniería de Aplicaciones, S.A.
    • Tecnologías de Automatización y Control, TAUCON, S.A.
    • Grupo HISPATEC Informática Empresarial, S.A.U.
    • Novedades Agrícolas, S.A
    • ULMA Packaging, S.COOP.

With the support of the following research centres:

    • Fundación Tecnova
    • Universidad de Almería
    • Fundación Tecnalia Research & Innovation
    • Universitat de Girona
    • Centro de Edafología y Biología Aplicada del Segura – Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CEBAS-CSIC)
    • ULMA Technological Center