Quick guide: How to irrigate and prevent root intrusion in subsurface drip irrigation

From AZUD we want to put at your disposal the knowledge and the necessary tools to carry out a correct maintenance of your irrigation installation, extending its useful life and optimising its operation.

Avoid root intrusion in your irrigation emitters, especially when you opt for subsurface drip irrigation systems (SDI).

Root intrusion in drippers alters the uniform distribution of water and reduces the lifetime of the installation. This can lead to clogging, putting the life of the crop at risk. Ensure the correct maintenance of your installation by downloading the AZUD Guide to irrigate avoiding root intrusion.

Fill in the form and download the guide to prevent root intrusion

How to irrigate and prevent root intrusion in subsurface drip irrigation systems (SDI)

In this document you will find:

  • Recommendations for the best maintenance of your subsurface irrigation system.
  • How to prevent root intrusion in your irrigation system.
  • Information on how root intrusion affects drippers.
  • Types of treatment to prevent and remedy root intrusion and how to carry them out.
Culture of Water - AZUD

Turning water into a vector of growth and
and sustainability for humanity.