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Optimization of hazelnut crop in Chile with Sub-surface Drip Irrigation

Success stories
Projects/ Optimization of hazelnut crop in Chile with Sub-surface Drip Irrigation
Cultura del agua - AZUD

The company

AZUD is a leading company in efficient irrigation solutions, specialized in the development of advanced technologies such as Sub-surface Drip Irrigation (SDI).

SDI optimizes root and plant growth, enabling a more efficient use of water, energy and fertilizers. In addition to offering economic and agronomic benefits, SDI is an ideal ecological alternative for areas with scarce water resources, as is the case in many regions of Chile.

In this project, AZUD experts have developed the implementation of the sub-surface drip irrigation system on a 100 ha hazelnut (Yamhill) farm in Chile, in response to the specific challenges of this region and crop.

Province: Osorno
Country: Chile

Sistema de riego por goteo avellano

The challenge

Hazelnut crop faces several challenges in Chile. First, harvesting of the nuts is done using sweepers that collect the hazelnuts from the ground. This can cause damage if irrigation systems are installed above ground.

In addition, Chile faces a severe water shortage, which makes it essential to adopt solutions that minimize water consumption without compromising crop yield.

The solution

At the direction of AZUD experts, this Chilean grower has implemented a Subsurface Drip Irrigation system using AZUD PREMIER PC AS irrigation tubing with 2.2 l/h emitters every 50 cm and at a depth of 30 cm.

Two lines of tubing were installed 0.80 m from the tree trunk in a clay loam soil, accompanied by AZUD HELIX AUTOMATIC 4DCL8/10FX 130 micron filtration equipment.

This solution allows water to be applied directly to the root zone, optimizing its use and reducing evaporation losses.

Benefits of the solution

The implementation of the sub-surface drip irrigation system has generated multiple benefits.

First, hazelnut harvesting has become more efficient, as the absence of aboveground pipes prevents damage by sweepers and significantly reduces harvesting costs.

In addition, the efficient use of water has led to significant water savings in a region where water is a scarce resource.

According to a study conducted with the grower, the RGS has generated the following benefits:

  • 20% water savings due to water application efficiency.
  • 15% water savings due to no evaporation or runoff.
  • Energy savings from water not being pumped.
  • Maintenance savings due to no pipe movement.
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